What is LIONS ROAR 2025?
#LIONSANDKIDZROAR is a programme for Primary Schools designed to give a platform to young people to think big and positively change the world. After all, these children are the innovators and entrepreneurs of the future.
Since its inception in 2016, some 125,000 children have taken part and they have generated hundreds of imaginative and brilliant ideas across multiple sectors, including, technology, health, environment and sustainability.
The programme is generously funded by local Lions Clubs to provide primary school children in the UK with future proof skills and imagination in line with the national curriculum and PSHE education. Inspiring children to think big and dream big.
The programme is organised and run by 8billionideas, an award-winning education company.
Lions Clubs of the British Isles are part of the global voluntary service organisation ‘Lions Clubs International’ and have been supporting schools with Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) - for many years. ROAR, now a digital programme, represents a modern fun way of extending and building on this support.
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“We are delighted to partner with 8BillionIdeas, to run our Lions ROAR program in schools again this year.
This unique program fits in well with many aspects of the National Curriculum and inspires children to
“think big and dream bigger”
about how they may improve lives for people, communities, and the world around them.
Hundreds of schools and more than 125,000 children from all corners of the British Isles have been engaged in Lions ROAR since the start in 2016, and we Lions, 8BillionIdeas, their teachers, and their parents have been so impressed with their creativity, energy, and understanding of what needs to change in their world.
Whilst being fun, the Lions ROAR program enables children to grow the life skills of communication and negotiation when working in a team and to develop self esteem, self confidence and aspirations for the future of their world and themselves.
With the fantastic support of their teachers, the partnership of Lions and 8BillionIdeas, the pupils taking part may well be set on a life course to become the next generation of scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs.
What a legacy that would be!”
for Schools
LIONS ROAR 2025 is an excellent chance for primary schools to gain valuable PSHE education and also to forge closer ties with your local Lions Club and other schools. #lionsandkidzroar
For Lions Clubs
Lions Clubs are the lifeblood of the ROAR initiative, providing funding and support to local primary schools. As we expand the programme into more areas we are always looking for more Lions Clubs to be involved in supporting local schools. #lionsandkidzroar